Can I Tell You A Story Instead? Volume One Ebook
von T. A. Suyt
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Über das Ebook
Can I Tell You a Story Instead? Volume One is a short story collection by T. A. Suyt. This collection is broken into three story formats: traditional, story poems, and dialogue driven. The stories give readers a unique look at how people make decisions by touching on various topics, plots, and genres. Read as the author uses “gray writing” to depict characters and their actions as neither black nor white. Good nor evil. But simply people and choices. Suyt’s unique sense of humor and ability to connect with the audience makes this short story collection a must have!
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Literatur & Fiktion
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 142 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Juli 31, 2020
- Letzte Bearbeitung Okt. 23, 2020
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter Choices, Gray Writing, Humor, Drama, Short Stories
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Über den Autor
T. A. Suyt
Online/ E-Commerce
T. A. Suyt is an author, designer, content creator, and founder of T. A. Suyt Brand Designs/ T.A.S. Brand. She is from Minnesota and is the youngest of nine children. T. A. S. Brand is an ecommerce business active since 2020. It specializes in zodiac, anime, and fun gamer merchandise of all sorts. Enjoy books, various gifts, and merchandise from this writer’s very own e-commerce collection! Visit to shop now!