M e m ó r i a Ebook
On photography and memory
von Ricardo Junqueira
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Über das Ebook
The current Project has been one of the awarded with the XI Prêmio Marc Ferrez from Funarte which shows and stimulates reflection and artistic production in the area of research, experimentation and creation in photographic language;
My research uses image deterioration as a means to confront and question how trustworthy photography might be taken as a representation of reality as well as a guardian of memory. It seems that similarly to our memory, which fades away thus losing its colors and becoming modified as time goes by, also photography loses its sharpness and reliability once we realize the possibility of adulteration and the change in the way we read photography (such as when we do not know whose relative was photographed in a distant past and the only reference which has was given by and a grandparent or another elderly relative has gotten lost, or when we see someone already deceased being shown on television making remarks on current issues)
Considering the association of an image to what is real, one may infer that photography no longer represents a fragment of reality and more often than not it will provide no clue as to inform us about the date of its production. Which space is to be occupied by photography in a time when even inexistant people might be easily created? How can we tell what is and what is not true?
The following photos were created through the use of a scanner and color negative film exposed not long ago. I take advantage of the noise caused by time to the photos together with some peculiarities that arise from the digital capture, highlighting spots and modifying the original colors already harmed by fungi, film-holder marks and chemical deterioration.
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Kunst & Fotografie
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 60 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jan. 12, 2012
- Letzte Bearbeitung Okt. 30, 2017
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter fine art, prize winner, marc ferrez, black and white, Marc Ferrez, arte fotografica, memories, art, photo, photography, memory, brazil, brazilian, fungi, noise, color, bw, film, image, scratch, fotografia, memória, premio, Brasil
Über den Autor
nasceu em Brasília em 1965 e começou a fotografar aos 14 anos. Tornou-se profissional em 1984 e desde o começo sempre se preocupou em pesquisar e atingir resultados em que não só a técnica estivesse presente, a expressão artística e a capacidade de criação ganhavam voz em seus trabalhos. Desde 1992 , deixou de ser assistente e conquistou sua fatia no disputado mercado da fotografia profissional de São Paulo publicando ensaios em diversos jornais e revistas, dentre elas: Vogue, Elle, TRIP e Veja e nos jornais Folha de São Paulo, Jornal do Brasil e Correio Braziliense, além dos trabalhos publicitários. Em 1996, mudou-se para Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte, em busca de qualidade de vida e de conquistar novos espaços, é em Lisboa que reside e trabalha atualmente. É filiado à Abrafoto – Associação Brasileira de Fotógrafos de Publicidade desde 1999 e membro do conselho administrativo da RPCFB (Rede de Produtores Culturais da Fotografia Brasileira).