Scribbles and Doodles
von Andre' D. Swancy
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Über das Ebook
Delightful Book! Shows how young children learn at an early age, to draw with pleasure, pride, confidence, all necessary for growth so they may develop into gifted artist. An illustration of circles, and squares even the use of dots. How Scribbling is spontaneous, it just comes natural Something children discovered at an early and never forget it.
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Kunst & Fotografie
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 42 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jan. 27, 2015
- Letzte Bearbeitung Jan. 27, 2015
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter Scribbles and Doodles
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