165 Ways to Make Your Heart Fly Ebook
von Jacquelyn Nicholson
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Über das Ebook
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Inspiration
- Weitere Kategorien Zitate, Persönliche Weiterbildung
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 48 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Okt. 09, 2019
- Letzte Bearbeitung Apr. 03, 2022
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter Faith, Hope, Love
Über den Autor
Jacquelyn's books cover a range of topics, from poetry to world based issues or anything under the Son. She was writing poetry from a young age and her book writing began in approx. 2010. Her first poem, through a classroom project in 1978 and published in a local magazine titled Opinions. Her style has evolved over the years into what we read today. What a shock out of breath. Staring in bewilderment. Where did the water go? Her favorite past times are Genealogy & Photography - Storm chasing, sunsets, and night photography. Jacquelyn's books are sold through the global network and through her bookstore Ecaabooks 1 part executive, 1 part Entrepreneur - Ecaabooks & Wildsky Horizons, 2 parts Author - Poetry, History & Beyond, 3 parts Photographer - Landscape, Weather & everything else, 4 parts Mum Duties - taxi, chef, doctor & caretaker.