Graduate of the Royal College of Art, London
Life-Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Author of:
The Encyclopaedia of Airbrush Techniques, 1989
The Art of Nautical Illustration - A Visual Tribute to the Classic Marine Painters, 1991
Military Low Flying in the United Kingdom - The Skill of Pilots and Photographers, 2012
The British Aerospace Hawk - A Photographic Tribute, 2014
The Panavia Tornado - A Photographic Tribute, 2015
The British Aerospace Harrier - A Photographic Tribute (in preparation)
Former assistant editor:
Model Shipwright Journal (Quarterly) & Shipwright Annual 2012.
Photographs published in:
Aircraft Illustrated, Air Forces Monthly, Amateur Photographer, BBC News & BBC Weather, Fishing News, Flight International, Model Shipwright, Photography Monthly, Practical Photography, RAF News, and numerous UK-based newspapers, etc, etc.