Ken Wright has worked in the design and print industry for more than 30 years. He’s originally from Yorkshire, England, and studied graphics, illustration and photography at Lincoln College of Art.
A life-changing brush with cancer in 2006 encouraged Ken shift his focus to those things most important to him – family, and his love of photography.
He has a distinctive style – his seascapes dramatised by a unique sense of movement. He uses his own version of HDR (High Dynamic Range) specialising in slow shutter speed and low light to create images of water in motion. The result is a hybrid of photography and art itself.
“I have a passion for vertical seascapes,” he says, “the deliberate exploitation of a wide-angle lens in a portrait format which captures an image almost from your feet to the horizon.”
“Photography is a wonderful thing,” he adds. “Capture an image and you preserve the moment forever. Miss it, and it’s lost forever.”