
Matt St Lezin

Salinas, CA

Beauty is not just something "in the eye of the beholder"; it is a Divine attribute. It is the fruit of Truth and Goodness. The highest and ultimate end of art is to express something of the Divine and to move our soul to a closer understanding of God. It can be considered "good" only in so much as it achieves this end. Without this higher end, there may be technical mastery that stirs an emotional response but it will be lacking in its true purpose.

​I had spent a lifetime devoted to art without an understanding of Beauty. I had studied craft and form but without meaning and purpose. At the point of my reconversion back to the Catholic Church from the chaos and emptiness of existentialism, I wanted to give myself completely to Beauty.

​This is where the Restoration of Beauty begins. It is a restoration within the arts. It is a reconquest of culture. It is bringing the Light of God into a darkened world.

Bücher von Matt St Lezin