
Aaron Brady

Nottingham/ Nottinghamshire/ UK

My work is mainly based on PSD (Abode Photoshop); it is very layered and two-dimensional on Photoshop but has been made to look three-dimensional sometimes. The advantages of using digitally manipulated images is that imagery can produced, edited then re-produced over and over again until the artist is satisfied, this acts as an advantage to the artist because there is less chance of making mistakes.

My work is self-directed and often reflects social order, class, personal experience, globally, economically and what’s happening around us, from day to day life. I am extremely interested in advertising and the effects this as on people not only in the UK but globally, the way advertising thumbs our minds and makes us feel inadequate, the personal way each of us interprets it and even using reverse psychology to trigger our subconscious minds.

Bücher von Aaron Brady