Malaya Ulan (Freedom Rain) is a fourteen-year-old Filipino-American international artist. Malaya Ulan utilizes art mediums such as poetry, dance, film, and visual art to share and empower her voice. She has received awards from Mighty Writers, and taken part in Scribe and WHYY programs/internships. Ulan has performed in spaces such as Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance, Movement Research at Judson Dance Theatre, Barnes Foundation, Asian Arts Initiative, Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Outlet Dance Festival, Swarthmore University, Multicultural Education in Counseling through the Arts, and a dance concert at Festive Walk (Philippines). She performs with her mother, Anito Gavino, in their collaborative dance company, Ani/MalayaWorks Dance. Malaya Ulan has also co-produced a collection of poetry and writings, De-Scribing, with her mother. She recently has just released her solo poetry collection, Ulan- When my Tears Turn into Roses.