Lana is the human psychic medium channeling her Truest Source Connection, Ana, also Psychic Source to many who are learning their new ways to have a personal relationship with Psychic Source. In this way, Lana helps Ana in psychic coaching 4 Clairs (clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and claircognizance) to provide the very best psychic skills for learning and living with Psychic Source. When someone hears a name to Psychic Source in clairaudient ways then they soon will be channeling also. Channeling isn't always for business or allowing Psychic Source to share messages to others. Channeling can be another way to hear Psychic Source rather than clairaudiently all the time. Allowing Psychic Source to speak through her, Lana also channels books, podcasts, and workshops by the One, Truest Source and Ana her Truest Source Connection.
Our area of expertise as a company could be stated in short "psychic ways". Ana is channeled by Lana and folks are given psychic ways by the Source that provides them. When Source is adjusting those psychic gifts and helping you notice how they come about now "you know, you know". Knowing that Psychic Source is the one speaking to you now interrupts the learning a minute for the student to see that it is the creator themselves and you notice that being psychic is helping a truest connection.
Berufsverbände und Organisationen
Channeling_Ana, Psychics Do It Better, Psychics Do It Best, One Voice Not an Echo