
Angela Boatright

Camden, NJ

I'm a child of God, a former novice in the Order of St. Helena, a retired Episcopal priest, and the mother of two absolutely splendid sons, Kahlil and Cassian. I hold a BA from Cornell University, an MSJ from Columbia University and an M.Div from Union Theological Seminary. I previously worked as a reporter for Newsday on Long Island, a newswriter-producer for WOR-radio in New York City, a chaplain for people with HIV-illness, and as vicar of parishes in the dioceses of Atlanta, North Carolina and New York. I'm currently a Priest Associate at a Philadelphia church. It's been fun, and I'm grateful for my far.

Other writings: "In The Time of Trouble" (LeaderResources), "The Heir" (XLibris, with Richard L. Spencer); contributor to "Race and Prayer" (Morehouse) and "Wisdom Found" (Forward Movement).

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