Retired Professor. More than 3900 photos on Flickr. Author of fourteen books, which include five novels and an autobiography. I have also made fifteen photography books. I enjoy travel, photography, swimming, and writing. It is enjoyable to write novels. However, they do not sell, which is the downside. But who cares? Most of my photos are taken with a Leica M6 film camera in black and white. I have made several color photo books on Blurb, however. They have come out beautifully. Generally, I prefer black and white film. I develop and scan all my film at home, both black and white and color. Blurb is a way to get one's photos printed. In the old days, it was done when the film was developed. Digital cameras changed all that. "Progress might have been alright once, but it has gone on too long." Ogden Nash. Very true.