
Guy Stevens

Greenville, South Carolina

Guy Stevens' true education and self-discovery began after he graduated from Furman University with a degree in the visual arts in 1970. Thirty eight years later, he has painted all over the world and sold his paintings in forty countries. During this same time frame, Guy has worked in eight studio-galleries in downtown Greenville, SC and painted for months at a time in Paris, New York, Bermuda, Munich, Montreal, and San Francisco.

" I am an intuitive, expressive colorist. I strive to give the viewer a sense of uplifting inner connection to my images."

The paintings of Guy Stevens offer us a travelogue of splendid fantasies and dreamlike narratives, and while his subject matter varies his essential style is consistent. Employing flamboyant colors, his flat lyrical shapes suggest qualities of both primitive and impressionistic art. He often adopts an elevated viewpoint giving his work a tilt in perspective that channels an extraordinary energy and movement...

Bücher von Guy Stevens