
David Herberg


I have been exploring the length of Lake Powell for twenty years, and have visited every named side canyon at many different water levels. Each visit is different from the last, and each brings something new. The sweeping vistas of this place have transformed my innate need to photograph into an intense interest in panoramic photography. But in truth, the vistas remain defiant to capture even by panoramas, and so my love for the place draws me back again and again in order to attempt the impossible.

The sheer size of the lake and the heavy visitation makes it especially vulnerable to the vandalism of graffiti, which sadly seems to be on the rise. For a number of years I have volunteered with the National Park Service Graffiti Removal and Intervention Team (G.R.I.T.) to lead a number of service trips aimed at cleaning this scourge from the rocks at Lake Powell. Maybe I’ll see you on one of these trips.

Bücher von David Herberg