When I was seven, I thought Mr. Spock was cool. It seemed like almost every week his intellect and logic saved the Enterprise (except for those implausible episodes devoted to Captain Kirk's human intuition). Later in school, when the left brain/right brain dichotomy was a thing, and my 'left' brain was letting me down, I garnered what attention I could from 'right' brain activities. My professional life so far has been 1/3rd manual-labor and 2/3rds meticulous science thingys. It's been a long time since i was seven but I still think a lot about Mr. Spock, and his situation. Like Spock, I am the product of two worlds, my art world and my science world, and (doesn't it figure?), I feel like a stranger in both of them. Photography, has provided me a sanity saving tool. My camera is a digital instrument that records both the face of nature, and between the lines, my emotional response. Vulcans don't have emotions, but take a look at my pictures and see if you can tell when I'm smiling.