
T. Kalba Guy

Hoover, AL 35226

Born in Illinois. T.Kalba Guy has had the privilege (due to Military parenting) to have lived abroad, in multiple states and finally settling in the South. His educational background consists of a Bachelors and 2 Masters degrees (Fine Arts & Education). After working in
both fields for more than 15 years, he's learned MANY valuable lessons. One of the most important lessons learned was the Art of Negotiation. How to humble yourself is not only God's word, but very important in building and maintaining relationships. As a child, art and writing were his methods of release. Just like most people Mr. Guy has experience his fair share of misfunction. Nevertheless, he didn't allow that to disconnect him from the world. Through art, he allowed his imagination to take him to new places. Through his writing, he journaled his thoughts and released his anger in words too raw for polite ears. These talents are God's blessings to bring a different perspectives.

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