Having taken photographs for the last 28 years, and in 2008 I ventured back to my country of birth inspired by the great photographer, the late Sir Simon Marsden. His moody, ghostly black and white images, and tales of life as it continues after death, which has always fascinated me lead to my book Britain In Ruins, all shot in infra red. I have also completed a book on Underwater photography that sums up my respect for sea creatures and life in general. I continue with both these subjects and other photographic styles which is only limited by ones imagination, as well as teaching photography and image editing to those that desire to learn more about this great medium. Both my photographic books are available as hard cover or ebooks.
Under the pen name Langley Porter, I have also begun writing stories and poems that speak from the child within. The first installment of that can be also found here as a paperback and ebook.