
emily longbrake - art & design

Palmer, Alaska

Emily Longbrake is a born-and-raised Alaskan freelance artist from Palmer. “Creatively omnivorous, I have devoured any and all books, art, and science that I could find and made objects from that inspiration since childhood. I’m also my parent’s daughter: my dad’s a farmer who works harder than anyone I know to build his dreams, and my mom treats her hobbies as professionally as her work as a nurse. They taught me everything they know, as well as how to assimilate new tools and media that I encounter. While I’ve studied ceramics, printmaking, and design, I’m happiest when combining past experience with a new medium or technology. I find joy in the process of making. My laser-cut wood works often employ the patterns, repetition, and fragility that I find in my inner and outer landscapes.”


Printmaking, ceramics, photography, graphic design, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, WordPress, web design, Quickbooks, MS Office, and both Mac and Windows computing

Berufsverbände und Organisationen

AIGA, Bunnell Street Art Center, Desert Botanical Garden, American Sewing Guild, Arizona State University Book Arts Guild

Bücher von emily longbrake - art & design