
Carlos Reynoso

New York City, USA

On Carlos*

Though the sly choreography of opposites apparent in Reynoso’s work nearly hides his desire for aesthetic management, the turbulence of clashing and crashing elements hints at his desire for harmonic order anyway. Organic forms, machined grounds, delicate drawing, industrial construction, narrative suggestion, poetic statement, natural vistas, austere manufacture, fluorescent vegetation etc. all demonstrate both a reasoning consciousness as well as an expressive vantage point even though the vision also flirts with discord.

Ultimately Carlos Reynoso’s delicate imagery composed with asynchronous elements is hopeful as well as it is soulful. Hinting sometimes at terrible outcomes, and presented in both an orderly and kempt manner, chaos is reigned in for our benefit and possible delight. Still we have to wonder what personal trials could have inspired these sometimes caustic and fractured vignettes?
-Franklin Westbrook.

*Carlos Reynoso is based in New York City.

Bücher von Carlos Reynoso

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