Interwoven Heritage Services is a full-service personal history company in Raleigh, North Carolina, that specializes in preserving the history of individuals, families and organizations through family histories, oral histories, biographies, memoirs, commemorative and tribute books, legacy interviews, and end of life interviews. We also provide ghostwriting services, life writing assistance, photograph and document organization and preservation, artifact preservation and disposition consultation, and other methods of historical research, writing and preservation.
Write & design Family History books; Ghostwriting for memoirs, autobiographies, personal histories; Tribute Books; Oral history interviews; Find repositories for historical/professional materials;
Digitize and preserve photos, including some editing services; Reproduce scrapbooks and albums; End-of-Life Interviews; exhibits/displays; preserve family souvenirs, documents, photos;
Organize & preserve documents; legacy biographies; Travel journals/albums; memory books
Berufsverbände und Organisationen
Association of Personal Historians
Oral History Association