Josely Carvalho, Lee Krasner Awardee for Life Achievement, born in São Paulo, Brazil, lives and works in New York City and Rio de Janeiro. Her works range from paintings, sculptures, book art, printmaking, photography, video, sound, olfaction and the internet. Her installations incorporate the use of various technologies in the construction of both digital and physical environments. She is the recipient of several grants among them: Pollock Krasner Foundation, (2016 & 2022), Creative Capital Foundation (2000) for her project, Book of Roofs; Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio International Conference and Research Center residency in Italy (2000), New York State Council for the Arts, 2002; New York Foundation for the Arts (1999 & 1987); NEA Visual Artist Fellowship (1995-96); Harvestworks Media Center, New York (2001). She has exhibited extensively in museums and galleries in the United States, Latin America, Europe and Japan.