
Luigi Stranieri


My name is Luigi Stranieri, I was born in Naples on December 10th 1972 and I live in Japan. I'm looking for the essential: many actors and no protagonist if not the Japan of suburbs or big cities. I've been living in Nagoya with my family for the past twenty years. The distance from my culture of origin has allowed me to find a privileged point of view from which to observe the humanity that surrounds me: every gesture, ritual or custom assume for me a thickness that "who is inside" can not or does not manage to see. I think a lot, and all I see I try to bring it to light is a kind of living diary. My photos tell stories of everyday life around me. Usually I take inspiration from the local newspaper news page. I think the world, the world of wars and the global market is far from common people's problems. I investigate the relationship between space and the individual, the individual and collective stories that are intertwined in the cities.

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