
Kerry Ray Tracy


I'm a Photographic Artist based out of Kansas. My work covering 33 years, has spanned a wide range. Starting out as a darkroom photographer, shooting commercial work, I went blind in my right eye which brought my career to an end for a short period, 7 to be exact. Lost the ability to see depth of field. Per medical help and time, I now use my left eye. The conversion to digital when I was finally able to shoot again, was imperative. I see myself as a more an artist now then a photographer, hence the Photographic Artist. I use a variety of programs, Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Corel, and Nik. Most of my subject matter is people staged in concept ideas. That's how I would describe it..

PHOTOSESSIONMAG AND Potassium Mag are now located on their own Blurb Account at, Issues for 2020 are located on the website and sold through Blurb.

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