
Linda Mason

Los Angeles

Linda Mason began her career in the film industry as a stylist on still shoots, commercials and feature films. Later, as a freelance commercial producer she sought a new creative outlet and studied photography at UCLA. Linda's achievements include the 2001 Grand Prize Professional Award from Tamron Industries as well as Honorable Mention in the 2005 SanDisk International Digital Photo contest, the 2005 North Carolina Museum of Art Focus on Photography contest, the 2006 Int'l Photography Lucie Award, and the 2009 Photographer's Forum contest. Linda’s work has been shown at the North Carolina Museum of Art and exhibited at the Chrome Gallery in Los Angeles. She recently published the photography book, "The Day of the Dead" and she is currently working on “Fiesta Brava”, her upcoming photography project about Portuguese Bloodless Bullfighting in California.

Bücher von Linda Mason