Meg is an “Intuitarian”, passionate plant-pusher, natural foods & raw vegan chef, LightFULL Life Intuitive Coach, yoga instructor, inspirational speaker, retired TV director, author, and eating disorder awareness advocate, with a personal mission to make the world a sweeter place, filled with love.
Currently calling Costa Rica home, Meg is creating LightFULL food in the Roots Restaurant kitchen at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Tamarindo, Guanacaste and also expanding her LightFULL Life Coaching practice.
Meg is an intuitive eating educator with a passion for plants, a certified professional plant-based and living foods chef, raw food culinary teacher, and all around foodie. Meg has studied personally with raw food detox expert Natalia Rose at the Natalia Rose Institute in New York City as well as at Matthew Kenney's M.A.K.E. Culinary Academy in Santa Monica California.