
Giulio Paletta

São Paulo, Brazil

Freelance photojournalist specialized in human rights, religion, travel and social reportage. BA in Journalism in Milan and Master in Photojournalism in London. His main work is focusing on debscribing how persecuted Christian communities manage to survive as a minority in different countries, in particular in the Middle-East. In 2010 his pictures of Tur Abdin Christian community, in Turkey, were showed in a photo exhibition opened by His grace the Archbishop of Canterbury at Southwark Cathedral in London. Hecollaborates with different NGO's and human rights associations. In November 2011 He held a workshop on Photojournalism at StudiMaya photography school in Bali, Indonesia.

He is currently based in São Paulo, Brazil

National Geographic Brasil, Le Monde, CLAUDIA, Amnesty International, Correio Popular, Popoli, Jesus, Soren Christensen Gallery, The Baptist Times, The Church Times, The Turkish Times, PAEZ shoes, Il Giornale, Life Style Magazine, Viaggiando

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