<br> There are several benefits of having a massage. It helps improve blood circulation. Using hands-on pressure therapy, the therapist moves blood through damaged or congested areas and then releases the pressure, allowing new blood to flow into tissues. It helps to remove lactic acid from the muscles, reduce stress and improves mood. In addition, it improves lymph fluid circulation, which carries metabolic waste away from the muscles and organs within. These benefits lead to improved body functioning and lower blood pressure.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Ayurvedic massages, on the other side, use the use of herbal oils. Warm fingers are used to massage the oils into the skin. This allows them to penetrate deeply into the body and transfer their healing properties to your cells. This increases circulation and boosts immunity. Ayurvedic massages are often combined with a visit to a spa, a leisurely dinner, or a stroll through the na