
Osamu James Nakagawa

Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Osamu James Nakagawa was born in New York City; raised in Tokyo, Japan and returned to Houston, Texas at the age of 15. He received a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Houston in 1993. Currently, Nakagawa is a professor and a photography area head at Indiana University. Nakagawa is the recipient of 2009 Guggenheim Fellowship and 2010 Higashikawa A New Photographer of the Year, 2014 Sagamihara Photographer of the Year in Japan and the 2015 Society of Photographic Education In Sight Award recipient.Nakagawa's work is shown internationally.

Nakagawa’s work is in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; George Eastman House; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Sakima Art Museum, Okinawa; The Museum of Contemporary Photography Chicago, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and others. His monograph GAMA Caves was published by Akaaka Art Publishing. http://www.photoeye.com/bookstore/citation.cfm?catalog=ZF802

Bücher von Osamu James Nakagawa