
Mini Adventure Series

Knoxville, Tennessee

Mini Adventure Series has two published books on bicycling. Bicycling Routes features 40 routes to travel the backroads around Knoxville, TN with maps, cue sheets, route descriptions and full color pictures. Off Road Trails features 31 trail systems in Tennessee and has full color fold-out topo maps, trail descriptions and full color pictures. Look for more books on mini adventures to enjoy!


In addition to the countless miles of recreational, century and charity rides, Elle Colquitt has enjoyed touring the Cotswolds in England, the Finger Lakes region of New York and riding RAGBRAI (a week long adventure across the state of Iowa). Jon Livengood has raced on the road, on the trail and cyclocross in the southeastern states for over 10 years. Hiking, backpacking and flat water kayaking are their past times - look for future mini adventures along these lines.

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