
Joshua Mott So Royal The Music Producer


So Royal who real name is Joshua Mott is a passionate music producer dedicated to mastering the art of sound creation. His musical journey has been a rich tapestry of experiences, where he has learned to navigate the complex world of music production by absorbing knowledge from various producers along the way.
Realizing the challenges faced by up-and-coming producers and artists, So Royal decided to compile his insights and experiences into a resourceful guide. This “vault book” serves as a treasure trove of Logic Pro X shortcuts, the digital audio workstation (DAW) he uses for his productions. By sharing these shortcuts, he aims to empower fellow creatives to streamline their work-flows, enhance their productivity, and ultimately elevate their musical creations.
Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your skills, So Royal’s compilation of shortcuts offers invaluable tools and tips for navigating the world of music production with confidence and efficiency.

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