<br> For many consumers, there is no more satisfying or exciting toy than a handheld vacuum cleaner. While many of today's high-tech gadgets can be quite complicated and difficult to use, a simple handheld vacuum can make cleaning so much easier. However, while some people enjoy using their vacuum cleaners to clean up their homes, there are also others that want to take it to the next level. If you have always wanted to experience the ultimate in cleaning, you will want to read on to learn about all of the latest models available on the market today.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>The All Season Handheld Vacuums: One of the most popular handheld vacuums introduced this season is the all season model. The new All Season Handheld Vacuum promises a full power cleaning power that can handle a variety of messes from hard floors to wet carpets to greasy fingers. In addition, this model offers a long cord so you