The Museum of Bitter Sorrows presents: My Life Is A Prison Please Grant Me release Ebook
von Scott MacLeod
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Über das Ebook
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Bildende Kunst
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 156 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Mai 19, 2012
- Letzte Bearbeitung Jan. 07, 2024
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter Exhibition, catalog, installation, sculpture, multimedia, painting, assemblage, museum
Über den Autor
Writer and artist Scott MacLeod has been presenting live, time-based, media, conceptual and static work in the San Francisco Bay Area and internationally since 1979. His fiction, poetry, theater and critical writings have been widely published in the USA and, in translation, in Russia, Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic. Conceptual/literary projects include The Imagined Gallery and The Institute for Study & Application, Kohoutenberg. His work is archived at the Avant Writing Collection of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library of Ohio State University, Columbus and the Experimental Writing Collection of University at Buffalo, New York, and collected by The Contemporary Museum, Hawai’I, The Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, and many private collectors.