The future does gymnastics Ebook
Poems with paintings by Sedecaru Alina
von Ivano Bersini
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Über das Ebook
the future does gymnastics on the back cover could be the manifesto for the current period in history, in which there is great uncertainty and apprehension about the upheavals of life everywhere on the globe
perhaps history is suggesting that mankind has reached a milestone that is still unclear, but which could offer great risks but also great opportunities for change
humanity could in fact also be seen as a young woman with many good intentions for the future but also aware of her own possible fragility
a future dawning in the darkness when the fear of living insidious our free will they try to describe an air devoid of the subtle spiritual dimension with which the new world is becoming saturated which could be described by the term transhumanism and therefore sterile of emotions and positive energy
a world where we can ask ourselves what if our memories had been privatised let's think about the online storage services
every new goal that technology proposes to Us to make us evolve in metallic beauty man is becoming a robot, and thus go faster and faster towards our necessary future where it seems that the human being must therefore increasingly resemble a robot
therefore my mind is a faded traveler seeking hospitality in a splendid monastery of the soul in contrast to this alienation from our spiritual identity our guiding voice
the painting on the cover future with a smile i believe represents the inner struggle each of us has to find the light, the authentic knowledge to return to the shining unity because a frequency beyond and the mirror is inverted
perhaps history is suggesting that mankind has reached a milestone that is still unclear, but which could offer great risks but also great opportunities for change
humanity could in fact also be seen as a young woman with many good intentions for the future but also aware of her own possible fragility
a future dawning in the darkness when the fear of living insidious our free will they try to describe an air devoid of the subtle spiritual dimension with which the new world is becoming saturated which could be described by the term transhumanism and therefore sterile of emotions and positive energy
a world where we can ask ourselves what if our memories had been privatised let's think about the online storage services
every new goal that technology proposes to Us to make us evolve in metallic beauty man is becoming a robot, and thus go faster and faster towards our necessary future where it seems that the human being must therefore increasingly resemble a robot
therefore my mind is a faded traveler seeking hospitality in a splendid monastery of the soul in contrast to this alienation from our spiritual identity our guiding voice
the painting on the cover future with a smile i believe represents the inner struggle each of us has to find the light, the authentic knowledge to return to the shining unity because a frequency beyond and the mirror is inverted
Eigenschaften und Details
- Hauptkategorie: Poesie
- Weitere Kategorien Bildende Kunst
- Version eBook mit festem Layout, 104 Seiten
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: Apr. 25, 2022
- Letzte Bearbeitung Apr. 28, 2022
- Sprache English
- Schlüsselwörter poetry, sedecarualina, wikingodesign, ivanobersini
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